



物理與藝術,兩個看似不相干的領域,其實藝術背後有許多支撐的物理原理,而科學家也必須藉由藝術的陶養與對美的欣賞,才能有更開闊的視野與更創新的思維。藝術的範圍博大,本課程主要針對:(1)音樂,介紹聲學、聲音的紀錄等相關的原理與技術;(2) 美術,介紹色彩、光影等相關的物理知識;(3) 攝影,介紹成像的原理與影像紀錄的技術及發展;(4) 建築,介紹建築設計所涉及的力學原理。最後整合藝術、哲學與科學的思想,使人文背景的修課同學不再視科學為遙不可及的領域,並期望這些科學知識能深化他們對藝術本質的認知,從而有更多創新的創作思維。

Physics and art are two fields seldom considered by people to be connected. But in fact, there’s a wide range of physics principles supporting the foundation of art, and art appreciation enhances scientists’ view of the world and hence their creativity. Art consists of many subjects. In this course, we will focus on: (1) music – to introduce acoustics and the principles and technology of sound recording; (2) fine art – to introduce the optical background of color and light; (3) photography – to introduce the principles of the formation of images and the technology of visual recording; (4) architecture – to introduce the mechanics involved in the design and construction of an architecture. In the end we will integrate the thoughts of art, philosophy, and science, with the hope that the non-science major students who take the course will no longer think science unreachable, and that the knowledge they learn will help them re-evaluate the nature of art and develop more creative art works.

