課程大綱 |
內容 |
課程概述 |
本課程將介紹量子力學的發展過程及並以趣味方式提即它和古典物理即我們肉眼可見的世界的物理的諸多不同。想要瞭解當代高科技的同學可以得知量子力學如何應用在化學、生命科學、材料科學、電腦科學、資訊與通訊技術等等。單純喜歡科幻小說或電影的同學也可以從中知道那些內容並非純然天馬行空,而是由具有科學背景的人所寫出來的。 During the first stage the quantum revolution history will be introduced and the bizarre phenomena that against our intuitions will be mentioned and compared with interesting narratives. Then for students who are interested in the contemporary technical development will learn how quantum mechanics is applied to chemistry, life sciences, material sciences, computer sciences, and information and communication technologies. For students simply enjoy reading/watching scientific fictions/cinema will know that many books/screenplays were written by authors with firm scientific background, not just made up by unconstrained imaginations. |
授課內容 |
包括量子力學發展過程中一些重要事件,如黑體輻射、光電效應等等,再加上物質與波動的雙重特性、測不準原理。在應用層面上將提及量子力學在化學、雷射、奈米及材料科學上的應用。 最後介紹未來的量子電腦如何有別與現在人類所使用的電腦,及量子力學如何應用在資訊科學、通訊及其保密上。 |