課程大綱 |
內容 |
課程概述 |
本"多元化材料及其應用"之課程所涵蓋的內容範圍非常廣泛且甚為普及,內容將從基礎科學再慢慢跨至應用科技,包括物理、化學、材料、光電、等。因為其不論在現階段產業以及日常生活方面都有著相當大的應用,奈米材料已經被公認為21世紀最重要的趨勢之一。從民生消費性品到尖端的高科技領域,都能找到與奈米科技材料相關的應用。回顧人類文明在歷經前兩個世紀的機械、電子乃至於資訊科技所帶來的工業革命,未來第四次工業革命的腳步儼然已隨著奈米科技時代的興起而到來,其潛在的未來影響範圍可說是無遠弗界。 This course of “Multi-functional materials and its application” range cover broad and ubiquitous, across the basic science to applied technology, including physics, chemistry, material, electro-photon, and so on. Its application is widely used for no matter industrial purpose and also around us in daily life. Therefore, the nano-material is one of the most important trend in the 21th century. Almost every application can be invented in nanotechnology from daily life product to the field of high technology. The 4th revolution of science and technology is coming true in the future by nanotechnology era since 1th mechanical, 2th electrical, 3rd information for two centuries ago. All the potential effects and such an earthshaking changes must have far-reaching effects and will have revolutionary consequences for future mankind. |
授課內容 |
本課程內容主要為對現階段多元化材料之發展和奈米材料相關技術之研發作一簡單之探討 與介紹,以健全中國文化大學各系所學生的材料科技之基礎與知識,並讓學生對現今奈米與材料 科技的發展趨勢與狀況有基本的了解。授課內容包含:多元化材料物理化學、多元化材料表面化 學、奈米有機材料與高分子材料之應用,多元化奈米複合材料…等。 |