課程大綱 |
內容 |
課程概述 |
個別勞工難以跟雇主能在平等的立場上商談勞動條件,若干雇主為了更大的利潤,難免有虧待勞工違反勞動基準法所定最低勞動條件基準之情事。本課程將使選修同學在離校前,能熟悉自己在勞動基準法上之權益,避免將來進入職場後受到不公平之待遇。舉凡訂定什麼樣的勞動契約(定期契約或不定期契約、法定正常工作時間、一例一休、工作規則、資遣解僱、職災補償等相關事項,都在本課程中一一提及,奠定選修者保障自身之勞動法規上權益。 The labor law has become one of the department of the legal system. In the recent years, labor law have the terminal velocity progress either in the scholarly research or the legal practice. This curriculum will introduce the the systematically theory and the content the labor law. To raises ability of the deep research and the practical application labor law is the purpose of this curriculum. |
授課內容 |
1.按部就班對同學說明與職場上權利相關之勞動基準法內容 2.隨時信手拈來相關之時勢問題,與選修同學進行雙向溝通及討論。用以提起同學興趣。 3.勞動基準法上之權利瞭解後,繼續進行集體勞動權利之說明。 |