



智慧財產權(Intellectual Property Rights,簡稱IPR)是由人類高度智慧創造的產物,而透過法律賦予其權利地位的一種無體財產權,藝術則為智慧創造的產物之一。在保護智慧財產權意識形態高漲之現今社會,藝術如何透過法律賦予其權利地位,實有必要了解智慧財產權等相關法制。

Intellectual property Rights refer to a set of exclusive rights, which are recognized for creations of the mind.  Common types of intellectual property rights include copyrights, trademarks, patents, industrial design rights and trade secrets in some jurisdictions.  This course deals with art, intellectual property rights and their relevant case studies.  Its purpose is to give students an introduction to the statutory bases of art and intellectual property rights.  To permit general comparison with the other legal systems and hopefully to stimulate further comparative studies, this course will also provide sufficient information on art and the systems of the intellectual property rights in Taiwan. We will explore the basic concepts of art and our intellectual property rights as well as its effect upon the practices in hope that the students will be able to combine the classroom learning, theoretical and practical, into hand-on use.

