




1. 人們天天面對的經濟生活圈似乎與地球環境無關,只和貨幣或金錢有關;

2. 為何經濟發展總是伴隨著過度的環境污染,即環境污染的現象處處可見而不可收拾。



There are two basic observations for todays socio-economic development:

1. Socio-economic development sounds nothing to do with the Earth, the planet of which we live.

2. There are always over-pollution while pursuing economic development.

The course try to connect the studies of economics and environmental science. Communication between two studies are important for answering the above two questions. The general purpose of this course is to offer undergraduate students a clear perspective of the relationship between market activity and environment. The behaviors of producers and consumers are heavily involved in exploring the complex relationship between economic development and environment. This course will illustrate in a practical manner how economic tools such as market instruments and benefit-cost analysis can be used to assess environmental problems and to evaluate policy solutions. This course will also introduce the battle between efficiency and equity. In modern day, social responsibility becomes a very important business concept for most of the corporations and organizations. This course is going to sharpen the modern environmental thinking and ability for students.



第00章 緒論

第01章 生存的環境 (包含地球資源、自然污染、人為污染等簡介)

第02章 經濟學背景介紹 (包含三級產業(農業、工業、服業)發展等簡介)

第03章 經濟學與環境問題 (包含空氣污染、水污染、土地污染、和固體廢棄物污染等所形成的社會問題等討論)

第04章 環境品質與市場失靈

第05章 環境污染的管制政策

第06章 市場機制的環境污染政策

第07章 環境效益與成本估計方法

第08章 永續發展

第09章 水質改善CVM效益評估

第10章 資源回收產品費設計

第11章 綠稅政策設計與模擬

第12章 CSR案例:愛心電腦回收再利用