課程大綱 |
內容 |
課程概述 |
本課程〈跨域社會:行政法實務〉,將以通識的理念進行授課,讓非本科系的同學站在較高的位置,用較寬闊的視野,對人類知識發展有整體性的掌握,通識教育的目標就是視野的養成教育。而行政法是現代法治國家必須具備的基礎,人事與行政法學的素養更是未來從事行政管理者所必須具備的條件。 本課程的學習目標,是使學生瞭解行政法的基礎理論與實務運作概況,介紹行政法的基本內容,包括行政程序法、行政罰法、訴願法、公務員法規等重要法律內容。並強調: 1.認知學習:透過人事與行政法課程傳授,將相關行政法規概論知識與人民生活或行政法規新聞報導法律時事一起探討,使同學能藉此建立法律的基本概念以及各類主要的實體法、程序法乃至於各種制度。 2.職能培養:透過同學分組報告、討論,將經其認知所得的行政法規基本概念以及實體法、程序法乃至於各種制度等相關知識,運用於各種學科相關領域的相關法令需求,或是日常生活、新聞報導的法律時事,以培育同學能將抽象的內容予以具體應用及批判之能力。 3.情意能力:透過課堂上的共同參與演練討論,培養同學於潛移默化過程中,獲取本課程所建立之法體系並傳遞正確的法治觀念。 This course introduces The origin and nature of administrative law. The origin and nature of administrative law. It includes administrative rule- making, the procedure, Functions and sorts of administrative penalty, administrative adjudication and Civil Servant Law. The object and general description of this course: 1. Learning and recognition: By the lecturing of administrative law, this course integrates the concept out of the labor law and the interpretation, the procedure and various administrative law knowledge. Applying the concept of administrative law and regulation to daily business and the dispute events briefed by the news media to enhance the students the knowledge of the substantial law and procedural law. 2. Occupational training: through the group discussions and paper reports on the administrative law and the interpretation, the procedure and various labor law knowledge and applying the concept of labor law and regulation to daily business and the dispute events briefed by the news media to enhance the students the knowledge of the substantial law and procedural law to prepare the students the ability of applying abstract concept into daily application and criticism. 3.Behavior adaptation: through the practice and the activities of the course, the behavior of students shall be able to switch to the respect of rule of law. |
授課內容 |
本課程內容包括: 1.本課程之重點,在於闡釋行政法之基礎理論、行政組織法、行政作用法及行政爭訟法等四大領域,理論與實務並重,以利同學能迅速掌握行政法之完整架構。 2.關於人事行政,旨在使同學透過人事行政與公共服務的探討,提昇同學對本課程精髓之摘取,了解公私部門之辦事、領導能力,強化人才管理思維的重要性。人事行政之範圍至為廣泛,舉凡與政府事務處理有關人與人、人與機關、單位等議題,均在人事行政的探討範圍。本課程側重有關公務人力資源策略管理與主要人事制度及法規。 |