課程大綱 |
內容 |
課程概述 |
為使學生瞭解行政法的基礎理論與實務運作概況,本課程旨在講授行政法的深入課程,分「行政與行政法」、「行政組織法」、「行政作用法」及「行政救濟法概論」等四大單元進行;除訓練學生具有行政法的基本素養之外,並著重配合國家考試之要求,配合時事分析,以求學以致用、鑑往知來。 地方自治,可說是行政法的延伸。本課程將討論憲法修改前後關於地方自治事項的差異,以及地方制度法與學理,分別講述地方政府的基本原理、行政區劃、中央與地方事權、地方選舉、地方財政等項。我國各級地方政府的組織及歐美地方政府組織之比較為另一講述重點。並透過透過實例演練,幫助同學增加地方自治的國家考試解題能力。 The prime purpose of this course is to introduce to the students basic ideas of the Local Government and Local Self-Government: basic principle, separate power of central government and local government, local election, financial affairs. In addition, to teach students equipped with basic cultivation, this course will also teach students how to prepare for national exams. Administrative Law it the more importent one in the Law State, and the course including: 1.basic theories of administrative law, 2.Administrative organizations 3.Administrative functions, and 4. Administrative remedies and state liabilities. The prime purpose of this course is to introduce to the students basic ideas of the Local Government and Local Self-Government: basic principle, separate power of central government and local government, local election, financial affairs. In addition, to teach students equipped with basic cultivation, this course will also teach students how to prepare for national exams. |
授課內容 |
「行政與行政法」、「行政組織法」、「行政作用法」及「行政救濟法概論」等四大單元進行,地方政府的基本原理、行政區劃、中央與地方事權、地方選舉、地方財政等項。 |