課程大綱 |
內容 |
課程概述 |
國人一年約消費75 kg的肉類,其中豬肉是消費最多的肉類,提供了國人動物性蛋白質重要的來源,本課程的主旨在協助同學了解豬肉生產對人類的價值、台灣與中國大陸及世界養豬產業的發展,學習豬隻生產的知識與技術,達到有效率的現代化豬隻生產;同時也會討論關於豬場經營、動物福祉及環境保護等課題。另外也介紹其他肉品(牛肉)的生產與消費者食用安全。 Meat consumption is about 75 kg per year per capita in Taiwan, of which pork is the most consumed meat and provides an important source of animal protein for us. The purpose of this course is to help students understand the value of pork production for human, the development of pig industry in Taiwan, Mainland China, and the world, and study the knowledge and technology of pig production to achieve an efficient and modern pig production. Topics such as farm operations, animal welfare and environmental protection will also be discussed. In addition, other meat such as beef production and food safety issue are also addressed. |
授課內容 |
本課程分成肉類的生產與肉品的加工及消費兩個主題。依照教學進度每週逐項進行,包括肉品產業的介紹、品種、飼養管理、品牌豬肉與本地牛肉生產技術、品評地圖、肉品之理化學、以及各項中西式肉類加工品之介紹。 |