課程大綱 |
內容 |
課程概述 |
談判是門高深且重要的學問,而國際談判則為跨國性的協商,其目的在於增進人與人、企業與企業、國與國間的良好關係。本課程中,首先將從理論的觀點介紹何謂談判?其目的何在?以及如何把握談判之原則?並使學生了解工作與生活、人際互動中處處皆談判。良好的的溝通即為談判的一環。有效的領導、管理需與部屬談判,部屬的向上溝通與管理亦為談判的運用。同僚相處、互相幫助、團隊合作亦為談判能力的發揮。生活中,家人、親戚、朋友、同學間之相處,亦是談判之運用。課堂中加入個案與實例之研討,使同學能舉一反三,真正瞭解談判的原理及技巧。藉由本課程的教學與訓練,可加強學生之遵循企業倫理及關懷社會之態度,與強化領導、溝通及團隊合作之能力。 Negotiation is a complex and important knowledge and international negotiation is an issue across national boundaries. The purpose of negotiation is to improve the relationships among people, among business firms and among nations. This course will introduce negotiation, its purpose and how to grasp its key elements. Students will understand that negotiation exists in interpersonal interactions in work and daily life. Good communication is an element of negotiation. Effective leadership and management need negotiation with employees. Employees need negotiation to have good upward communication and management. Negotiation is needed in the interactions among coworkers, teamwork, and coworkers’ assistance. Negotiation exists in family life, among interactions with relatives, friends, classmates. The course is to intensify students’ ability on leadership, communication and teamwork. |
授課內容 |
教師介紹本週的探討主題 |