課程大綱 |
內容 |
課程概述 |
西洋藝術名作欣賞:本課程介紹西方藝術大師的精典名作,進而了解西方藝術流派、思潮,並培養對藝術作品的賞析能力,進而陶冶人文素養 ,除此之外,也希望同學將藝術應用於生活之中。本課程藉由探索西方藝術名品的入門課程,透過對歷代大師名作的剖析與欣賞,以及對現代藝術重要思潮的認識與理解後,希望同學們對傳統的藝術流派以及新潮的當代藝術都具備藝術的賞析能力,並能於生活中實踐,處處發現美的事物,以達到真善美的藝術涵養。 This course introduces Appreciating works of Western art and cultivates students' ability to appreciate works of art, which in turn cultivates humanistic accomplishments. Through the training of the curriculum, we can understand the development process of the whole Western art and further understand the styles of western art works in different countries. |
授課內容 |
1.教師介紹本週的探討主題及作品。 2.學習者撰寫研究報告。 3.分組報告發表與教師評論 |