課程大綱 |
內容 |
課程概述 |
本課程是運動健康服務跨域課程的一環,教學內涵是以個人生涯 (life span) 為軸,透過政府 (衛服部、教育部) 現行各種健康評估工具,使學生能達到以下教學目標: 1.認識並理解健康之意涵及其影響因素。 2. 認識並理解我國現行標準健康評估工具如新生兒身體評估單、兒童健康手冊、媽媽手冊、大學新生健康檢查報告、健康體適能檢測、役男體格檢查、法定傳染病檢查等工具與個人身心健康狀態之間的關聯性與意義。 3.提昇學生對自我健康管理之價值認知、主動性,以及相關基礎能力。4. 啟發學生推己及人之情操,不僅重視個人健康,還能擴及家庭與社群之健康提升,共同為延長國人平均健康餘命,促進國人健康平等性而努力。 The present course is one of the Exercise Health Service trans-fields courses of PCCU. Through the life-span viewpoint, a series of current physical checks provided by the R.O.C. Public Health Insurance system will be introduced and discussed. Learning purposes are as followings. 1. Realizing the meaning and affecting factors of health. 2. Knowing and understanding current physical checks provide by the R.O.C. public health insurance system. 3. Elevating the perspective, initiation, and capability of self-health management. 4. Inspiring the thought and feeling to promote the healthy residue life and health equality of people. |
授課內容 |
1.教師介紹本週的探討主題及作品。 2.成果發表與教師評論。 |