課程大綱 |
內容 |
課程概述 |
大氣具有長短不一的週期變化,例如:日夜變化是短的週期,季節變化是年尺度的週期,聖嬰現象是2~7年的週期,氣候振盪則有數個年代際尺度的週期。不同週期的現象會互相影響,交織成複雜的大氣系統,認識及瞭解這些變化有助於我們適應未來變動的天氣或氣候條件。 本課程將介紹各種大氣中的週期現象,包含這些現象的特徵,分析這些現象所需的技術(簡單的統計學),產生週期的可能機制,對天氣及氣候的影響,人類活動對它們的影響,未來的可能變化等。課程內容並將盡量採用東亞地區的實際天氣及氣候案例進行引導及解說。 Human life depends on the Earth atmosphere. Our everyday activities are influenced by weather and climate events directly or indirectly. The timescales of cycles in the atmosphere are so wide that range from the diurnal scale to decadal scales. Different phenomena interact to each other and create a complicated Earth atmosphere. Knowing and understanding these cycles and changes may help us adapt to these events that may continue to change in the future. We will introduce atmospheric phenomena that have clear cycles, such as diurnal cycle, land-sea breeze, sub-monthly waves, intra-seasonal oscillation, seasonal cycles including monsoon, El Nino and Southern Oscillation, decadal oscillations, and climate change. The statistical skills used to analyze atmospheric data will be briefly covered. We will choose to use case examples that occurred in the East Asia region for better understanding of the students. |
授課內容 |
將依照週期長短依序介紹以下現象及現象間的交互作用。 1. 日週期(日夜變化、海陸風) 2. 月內週期(8~30天) 3. 季內週期(20~90天) 4. 季風/季節變化(年週期) 5. 聖嬰現象(2~7年) 6. 氣候振盪(超過10年) 7. 人為氣候變遷 |