課程大綱 |
內容 |
課程概述 |
本課程目標是幫助學生 (1)做投資決策 (2)認識各種投資機會 (3)辨認投資產生之問題。 本課程包括投資分析、資產配置、投資組合理論暨各種證券投資工具, 例如股票、債券、共同基金、ETF、選擇權與認購權證、期貨、交換、REITs以及其他各種衍生性金融商品之操作,在金融自由化與國際化情形下, 達到投資與理財最佳化目標。 This course is designed to provide a good understanding of investments while stimulating interest in the subject. This understanding can be very valuable because each of us must make various investment decisions during our lifetime-definitely as individuals, and possible as managers. The goal is to help students gain an appreciation of what is involved in (1) making investment decisions, (2) recognizing what the investment opportunities are, and (3) recognizing where investment problems arise. The subjects of this course will be included securities analysis、assets allocation、portfolio theory and security instruments such as stocks、bonds mutual fund、ETF、option and warrants、future market、 swap、REITs and other derivative instruments. |
授課內容 |
隨著金融市場的自由化,金融知識的普及化,形形色色的金融商品如雨後春筍般層出不窮,但極大多數人誤以為證券投資就是投資股票市場(買賣股票賺取報酬)。為導正觀念本課程希望藉由目前理論教學與現行實務運用,搭配聘請任職職場證券金融財務會計等專家們以專題討論方式為學生們建立正確證券介紹各種常見的證券投資工具,以最淺顯易懂的方式結合現今政經情勢發展與現行實務上的操作,使學生們充分瞭解如何投資,投資標的及未來投資的趨勢。 |