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跨域社會: 新興科技與AI教育機器人青少年扶助教學應用





This course is combined with the interdisciplinary course of the Youth Support USR Project to cultivate college students' basic knowledge of emerging technologies and AI educational robots, and assist college seed teachers to learn the ability to provide youth support teaching guidance. The curriculum was designed with the Youth Support Center of the Sanchong Humanistic Education Foundation as the actual teaching site. In the site, primary and secondary school students who are behind in learning are assisted in youth gatherings, readings, and courses, and college seed teachers are used to organize emerging technologies and AI educational robots. Camps or courses are provided to improve the social life, self-education and self-confidence of disadvantaged youth assistance recipients. Therefore, this cross-domain specialty course series aims to use cross-domain theme course design to allow college students to approach the perspective of youth support, guide college students to learn emerging technologies and AI educational robots, and pay attention to disadvantaged youths with the new technologies they have learned. Support disadvantaged young students in the base and hold technology camps or courses in the base based on emerging technologies and AI educational robots to achieve the goals of sustainable development and cross-field teaching practice. This course combines emerging technologies, AI robotics technology with the school's key development projects and the key competency indicators of the higher education deep cultivation plan: sustainable development, humanistic care and life education, USR, generative AI applications, cross-field teaching cooperation, and diverse teaching methods. etc. to form correspondence and connection.


1. 新興科技與AI教育機器人簡介

2. 認識教育機器人套件、學習LDD

3. 一般積木裝置藝術設計

4. 樂高9686動力機械設計與製作

5. 樂高WE DO 2.0套件的教學與應用

6. NXT主機操作與周邊感測器的使用

7. 基礎車,馬達控制、內建五格程式

8. 觸碰感測器、聲音感測器的使用

9. 光源感測器的使用

10. 齒輪的使用、機器人競速賽

11. AI教育機器人競賽規則簡介

12. AI教育機器人教案教材、上課簡報撰寫

13. 物聯網Arduino套件簡介

14. 點亮一盞燈、控制燈號

15. 繼電器與馬達控制

16. 物聯網Arduino套件場域實際應用與教學

17. 新興科技與AI教育機器人場域模擬教學見習

18. 新興科技與AI教育機器人場域教學演練

