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課程大綱 內容
課程概述 這門由學生帶領的樂齡歌唱搖滾課程,融合了音樂、律動和情感互動。課程強調學生與長者之間的互動和合作,旨在創造一個充滿歡樂和愉悅的學習環境。學生將引領長者探索音樂的美妙世界,同時建立深厚的人際關係,透過互動遊戲、音樂分享和公開演出,豐富了整個學習體驗。
This student-led elderly singing and dancing course is uniquely captivating, blending elements of music, dance, and emotional interaction. The course emphasizes interaction and collaboration between students and the elderly, aiming to create a joyful and pleasant learning environment. Students will lead the elderly in exploring the wonderful world of music, while building profound interpersonal relationships. Through interactive games, music sharing, and the closing performance, the course enriches the entire learning experience.  
授課內容 使用多元化的方式授課,由老師示範引導學生歌唱和律動,再由學生分組討論,進入場域實際帶領長者操作,融入音樂療法的元素,創造一個豐富、有趣的互動學習環境具體協助長者生活內涵。   