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本課程將有系統的介紹,德國自紀元前的部落林立之部族生活到中古世紀封建時期之小國林立的分崩狀態,再經過羅馬帝國統治時期至逐步統一成今日德意志聯邦共和國之過程。德意志,日耳曼,普魯士這些字,詞向來是許多人對德國既有的認識與印象。 一般習慣,甚至學術上沿用許久之1870年之 “普法戰爭”,根據德法歷史書籍資料記載與稱呼來看,這樣的定義其實是不恰當的! 因為,普魯士在最早時期甚至不在今日之德意志境內,之後之普魯士充其量就是分據於今日德國東北部與波蘭西北部地區的一個諸侯國。 因此,它基本上無法代表今日德國之整體。 所以,就史實而言,應將此戰爭正式定名之德法戰爭較為恰當。 本課程將依時間順序條理地將德意志國家做有系統地完整介紹,引導德文系與所有對德國史有興趣的各系學生, 正確解完整地認識與了解這個扮演歐盟領頭羊國家”德國”之形成過程。

This course will be systematically introduced, the German tribal tribes from the tribe of the tribal life to the medieval feudal period of the small country of the fall apart from the state, and then after the reign of the Roman Empire to the gradual integration into the process of the German Federal Republic of Germany. , Prussia these words, the word has always been a lot of people on Germany's existing understanding and impression of the general habits, and even the academic use of the long 1870 years of "law and law war", according to the German and French history books and records, The definition is not appropriate! Because Prussia was not even in the German territory of the earliest days, Prussia was at best a subordinate to the northeastern part of Germany and the northwestern part of Poland, so that it was largely unable to represent today The whole of Germany, so it is more appropriate to record this war in Germany and France. This course will be in a chronological order to the German state to do a systematic and complete introduction to guide the German Department with all the German History is interested in the students, the correct understanding of a complete understanding and understanding of this Play "German" national leader of the formation of the European Union.




3.影片資料 (例如: youtube)

