課程大綱 |
內容 |
課程概述 |
從歐洲、以及中國、台灣等中西方不同國家的大城市中,看公園、看河濱、公共設施、建築物…,來探討老建築或閒置舊空間再利用的案例。也從一些國內外大小型展覽,從主題、場地的選擇、展覽方式、動線或是城市活動…等等,與同學討論如何「辦」一個「展覽」,以及將城市當作一個品牌如何去推動形象。 再透過一個主題來設計一組模型。從這組模型來練習學生掌握色彩、尺寸、想像力、以及表現法。 Lectures will share experience and discuss with students about impressionism paintings (the lights, the shadow, and the colors), the tea ceremony, and see design through the angles of TV commercials, art movies, designer’s furniture, or world famous name-brands (such as Hermes, Dior, Chanel, Cartier, etc). We’ll also look at architect’s buildings, the design of a park, or a museum’s garden to see where their concepts of landscape design came from. And may chose a theatre piece, for example: Shakespeare’s drama. For reading this theatre drama, and choose some scenes, from 2D text, for students practice their imagination, and colors choosing for emotional symbols to the personage in the text, then create a 3D model. It’s a 2D transform to 3D process exercise. |
授課內容 |
教師授課,討論時事或討論影片,幾週穿插學生的報告(個人以及小組) 。 討論畫作、討論茶道,討論電視廣告、藝術電影、設計師傢俱、或世界知名品牌或建築物、或是公園以及植物配置等設計作品,討論其色彩、討論創作概念,和對應的時代/地區風格。 |