課程大綱 |
內容 |
課程概述 |
在現代社會中,人們每天都面臨著金融、證券、股票、期貨以及房地產等投資市場的誘惑。產生投資動機、經濟行為和獲利的需求。這些已成為人們生活中的重要內容。因此,成功的投資者既要有投資方面的經濟學知識,同樣需要投資方面的心理學知識。 In the current society, people are faced with temptations every day on the investment market about of finance, securities, stocks, futures and real estate. Generate investment motives, economic behavior and profitability requirements. These have become an important part of people's lives. Thus, successful investors must have both of investment economic knowledge and psychological knowledge. |
授課內容 |
先針對指定教材中的投資的基本概念、投資行為的特徵、影響投資行為的因素、態度理論與投資心理等進行講述與說明,再請同學進行讀書會分組,各組需針對書本內容於課堂中進行心得分享。 |