課程大綱 |
內容 |
課程概述 |
本課程以數位金融為主軸,一方面分析金融科技FinTech的變革、模式、創新之處,以及優勢與風險,另一方面探討各種常見的數位金融服務商業模式發展之概念、特徵與趨勢。 This course focused on digital finance. It analyzes the causes, models, innovations, advantages and risks of FinTech, and also, it provides an in-depth understanding of the concepts, characteristics and trends of various digital finance business model development. |
授課內容 |
本課程授課內容包括網路與自動化金融服務、電商金融、社群-在地-行動應用、平台商業模式、純網銀與數位銀行、去中心化金融、供應鏈金融、金融創新風險、金融創新營運的監理及創新案例討論等。 The scope of this course includes the following subjects: 1. Introduction of fintech. 2. Internet Finance. 3. E-Commerce and Fin Tech. 4. Social-local-mobile. 5. Platform revolution. 6. Internet bank. 7. Decentralization. 8. Supply chain finance. 9. Risk management of financial innovation. 10. Supervision of Financial innovation. 11. Innovative cases study. |