課程大綱 |
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課程概述 |
「電子商務」打破過去傳統貿易的地理限制與商業模式,成為開發中與已開發國家提升GDP的核心佈局。面對環境、技術與消費者行為的重大轉變與衝擊,企業及其員工必須了解且應用網際網路與各式資訊平台,協助組織進行電子商務甚至於行動商務的轉型。本課程藉由不同電子商務模式的介紹與實務個案探討分析,協助學生了解企業(線下)商業模式的過去、現在與未來(線上線下整合),並邀請業界具有實務經驗的客座講者分享線上線下整合經驗,將實務與理論結合,強化學生對於O2O電商的知識與技術應用能力。 E-commerce has broken the geographical restrictions and the business models of traditional trade, becoming a core strategy for both developing and developed countries to increase GDP. To confront major changes and challenges in the competitive environment, rapidly changing technology and consumer behavior, organizations and their employees must understand and apply the Internet and various online platforms to assist them for digital transformation into e-commerce or mobile commerce. This course elaborates the past, present, and future of business (offline) business models (online and offline integration) through the introduction of different e-commerce models and the analysis of practical industrial cases. It also arranges industry experts with rich related experiences to share how organization operate the online and offline integration. In the end, this course combine practice with theory to strengthen students' knowledge and application skills of O2O e-commerce. |
授課內容 |
本課程將先介紹電子商務相關的概念、應用、策略發展與商業模式,隨後探討電子商務的4流(物流、商流、金流、資訊流)、安全機制與技術發展,建立同學對電子商務的相關知識。隨後藉由產業個案探討的方式,讓學生從中了解傳統實體企業經營B2C電子商務與數位轉型(虛實整合)時面臨的挑戰、解方與獨特性,同時搭配時事選讀,以使學生更全面性熟悉電子商務與企業全通路管理最新的發展。 |