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跨域人文: 藝術文物賞析與文創

課程大綱 內容
課程概述 透過藝術文物與圖像的欣賞,進行多元的考察,從文化、政治、物質的層面,並比較其他文化的差異性,以理解藝術文物與圖像的整體時代意涵、文化差異。利用術文物與圖像來解讀歷史,探尋隱沒在圖像背後的各種社會與文化訊息。本課程依照主題探討的方式,理解各時代歷史圖像的演變與差異,對社會文化的認知提出分析與批判,不僅能學習到審美的感知,更能深入理解社會的文化與價值,並欣賞、應用在現代社會。同時,理解藝術文物如何與創意結合,推廣文創的商品流行。
This course introduces the history development through the visual images. Through the images viewing we could understand the historical context from the cultural, political, material and other aspects. The images are not only just an analysis of the data but also the important evidence to interpret history. Then we would find the various historical messages behind the visual images, and understand how art and cultural relics can be combined with creativity to promote the popularity of cultural and creative products.
授課內容  1.依照主題探討的方式,理解各時代藝術文物與圖像的演變,包含:玉器、青銅器、瓷器、書畫、服飾文化等器型與紋飾賞析,並理解藝術文物如何與創意結合,推廣文創的商品流行。