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跨域人文: 玩史學、走古道

課程大綱 內容
課程概述 本課旨在透過踏查和介紹古道,使學生藉此了解歷史變遷、人文與環境互動以及社會經濟發展。課程擬運用GIS和APP等工具,讓同學記錄古道路線與途中景點。
 I want to lead students to survey historical roads in order to let them understand history. I will use GIS and APP to let students record the route and some attractions. Students must choose a road to make a presentation. The content must include the climbing route, pictures that everyone must be in, special  flora, historical monuments, and beautiful scenery. After the presentation, I will let students vote to decide which road is the most popular.
授課內容 本課一方面透過運用數位工具教導學生如何規劃古道路線,另一方面透過實地踏查使其了解歷史其實無處不在。    