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As someone interested in the public service, either as a possible career or just in terms of being able to influence public policy, you should recognize first the tremendous diversity of opportunities within the field of public administration. People in this field work at all levels of government-federal, state, and local-and in nonprofit organization of all types. Some hold managerial positions in either line or staff agencies, whereas others are in analyst positions (policy analyst, budget analyst, and so on). The range of substantive areas in which public administrators work is incredible, spanning fields as diverse as forestry, transportation, and space exploration. In this section, we will examine the boundaries and characteristics of public administration, as well as some of the perspectives managers and analysts might bring to their work.

We can say generally that public administration is concerned with the management of public programs. As an administrator, you might find yourself working to establish or to carry out a particular policy and, in doing so, you might well interact not only with citizens but with executive, legislative, and judicial officials at many different levels of government. In these interactions, you would need to be sensitive to some important values associated with democratic governments, values such as freedom, equality and justice. You would certainly find yourself struggling with the values that guide the public service, values that guide the public service, values such as equity and accountability. And you would most certainly find yourself constantly for a better understanding of the public interest.

But beyond trying to sort out these many political considerations, you would find yourself enmeshed in a world characterized by managerial complexity. You would need to be able to bring your skills and abilities to bear on questions ranging from power and authority to communications and motivation to group dynamics and organizational change. You would need to know something about the tools and techniques available to modern managers, from budgeting and personnel management to strategic management and productivity improvement.


1.  深入淺出介紹行政學傳統理論以及較新的理性選擇理論、公共選擇理論、新公共管理,來瞭解公共行政概論、官僚制度、組織理論、行政運作、人事行政、財務管理與預算制度、乃至政策分析、政策評估、公共管理、府際關係、公務倫理等主要學說和代表人物的思想,理解公共行政中新公共服務的起源、新公共服務導向的七大操作原則(也就是服務公民而非顧客;尋求公共利益;重視公民資格猶勝企業精神;策略思維、民主行動;課責並不容易;政府的角色乃是服務而非領航;關注人民,而非僅重視生產力),以培養通識視野的養成教育。

2.  引導學生認識人力資源管理之重要理論,瞭解人力資源管理之議題,從而進一步體認企業訓練實務策略;利用實例介紹二十一世紀人力資源管理過程與未來可能面臨之挑戰,培養學生對「人力資源管理」有整體性的認知。

3.  關於人事行政,旨在使同學透過人事行政與公共服務的探討,提昇同學對本課程精髓之摘取,了解公私部門之辦事、領導能力,強化人才管理思維的重要性。人事行政學之範圍至為廣泛,舉凡與政府事務處理有關人與人、人與機關、單位等議題,均在人事行政學的探討範圍。本課程也會觸及有關公務人力資源策略管理與運用之人事行政理論與主要考銓制度及法規;以及行政文化、行政倫理及行政中立等課題;以及當前行政之主要改革問題與焦點如全球治理、國家治理、政府再造、廉政改革等議題。

