課程大綱 |
內容 |
課程概述 |
教育機器人為一學期課程,課程內容包括:機器人系統介紹、系統組成、機器人程式設計等,使同學能具有設計與創建機器人應用於生活與工程系統。 The Educational Robotics Engineering course is designed to explore the past, current and future use of automation technology in industry and everyday use. Robotic Engineering focuses on knowledge from basic engineering applications. The students will receive a comprehensive overview of robotic systems and the subsystems that comprise them. |
授課內容 |
本課程以單元方式進行,每一單元進度約2~3週,以課堂講授與實作為主,配合教育機器人硬體與軟體之完成,進行學習進度之評量,並以學期報告落實教學成效。 |