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本課程旨在介紹Excel Power BI於大數據資料的應用,其中包含四大工具Power Pivot、Power Query、Power View與Power Map,從建立資料模型、數據下載與表格正規化、數據分析與圖象表達、數據分析結果於3D地圖上面的呈現,讓不具程式背景的人也可以針對大數據資料進行分析In this course Introduction to Excel Power BI you will learn about the Power Business Intelligence (BI) tools you can add to Excel. You will learn about using power query to import data from the Internet, and add that data to your Excel worksheet. This course also teaches you to display your data with Power Views and Power Maps.

It teaches to create a power query to get data from a web page, where you will also learn about modifying your power query and adding the data from the query to your Excel worksheet. This course also includes learning about preparing your data model for creating a power view and adding an url image to your data tables.

Finally, this course will teach you to create power maps and about data you need to modify in your data model to activate it. You will learn that power maps uses Bing maps and you will need geographical information in your data model for power maps to work properly. You will also learn about creating new scenes and displaying your data on a power map. You will learn about setting the transition between your scenes and creating a video out of your finished power map.



