課程大綱 |
內容 |
課程概述 |
氣象觀測和預報技術日新月異,觀測和預報資訊除可提供各行各業有效參考外,也可提供人們在日常生活中避免天然災害的資訊。然而,要更清楚地掌握老天的脾氣,就要對氣象資訊正確解讀,進而運用在我們的日常生活裡。為達上述目的,本課程擬從造成天氣的氣象要素開始,進而說明造成天氣的天氣系統、台灣的特殊天氣,以及氣象與健康、休閒等關係,最後探討氣象與防災。 With the progress of human civilization, the techniques of meteorological observation and prediction have been improved. The meteorological information can not only provide all walks of life with various and effective business applications but also can prevent us from natural disasters in our daily life. However, if we want to deeply understand the temper of the weather, we have to correctly interpret the meteorological information, and then make use of the information on our daily life. In order to achieve the above goals, the course will begin with meteorological elements and weather systems which result in the weather, the special weather in Taiwan, the relationship between weather and health, as well as weather and leisure. Finally, weather and disaster mitigation will be explored. |
授課內容 |
本課程涵蓋天氣及天氣預報、氣象觀測簡介、氣象要素簡介、天氣系統簡介、台灣災變天氣、氣象與生活、氣象與防災等主題。每項主題進度約2~3週,以課堂講授與討論為主。於期中將進行學期考試測驗,以檢核學生學習成效;而期末將安排口頭上台報告,藉以激勵學生主動研習與課程相關之主題。 |