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跨域人文: 表演的劇場實踐

課程大綱 內容
課程概述 經由整學年跨域通識各課程對於個人表演訓練與基礎劇本寫作的漸進式學習,將所有學習成效進行綜合性藝術的實作演練,並於劇場中配合設計與技術能力合作演出,以建立合適的舞台與社會的外部表現方式。
After a full academic year of cross-disciplinary general courses, which focus on individual performance training and progressive learning of basic script writing, all learning results are carried out into comprehensive artistic practice exercises, combined with appropriate theater design and technical skills. Ability to perform and present together to establish an appropriate stage and social external expression.
授課內容 採用漸進式與螺旋式教學模式,將本學年所有課程學習成效螺旋式結合。透過漸進式的個人表演上的模仿、複習、演練、創作,多人分組演練、技術與設計結合演練、自主學習、想像、再創作過程,完成本次課程的最終分組實作呈現。