跨域人文: 音樂與生命關懷
課程大綱 | 內容 |
課程概述 | 本課程將以音樂為媒介及工具,結合敘事與科技,帶領學生探索自我、成長自我。音樂創作及表演將以對學生具獨特且意義的方式發展,結合專業及創新,鼓勵突破既有疆界,並將成果分享予家人、朋友與他們關懷的社群等,以音樂全人教育理念,朝向將生活帶進音樂,讓音樂走入生命之目標。 |
This course will use music as a medium and tool, combining life narrative and music technology, to lead students exploring and growing themselves. The music presentation will be joined music professional skills and creative ideas, developed in an unique and meaningful way to each student, and shared to families, friends, communities and people who they feel connected and care about. The goal is to bring the way of living into music and let music be part of our life. | |
授課內容 | 1.基礎音樂專業技能之學習與熟練。 2.音樂與生命各面向之連結實例與意義,以專題方式講授。 3.探索個體生命歷程,並能以音樂表達、溝通及分享。 4.聚焦有興趣之社群或生命階段,探索其發展、現狀與挑戰,並嘗試將音樂融入其體驗、反思與分享。 5.授課內容由起始於個人,逐步擴及家庭、學校、社會與環境,如圖所示。 |