課程大綱 |
內容 |
課程概述 |
民以食為天,如何吃得營養?吃的健康?一直是我們日常飲食的共同目標。然而台灣目前的餐飲環境,普遍存在許多食安問題,如何透過飲食關心食安,選擇送入口中的食物品質,幫助我們的年輕世代重新連結食物與健康生活的關係,是一個嚴肅且重要的課題! 希望藉由這個課程,讓同學建立健康飲食觀念、了解外食食材潛藏的風險、並透過案例分析讓同學體認飲食與健康的關係、以及食材選擇的方法。 Food safety is an important issue that including handling, preparation, and storage of food in ways that prevent foodborne illness. It has been reported that many problems involving food additivities、pigments、spices and food ingredients can cause diet problem. This course is intended to introduce healthy eating concept, risks in foreign food ingredients, and through case studies to alert potential problems involves, let students to understand the relationship between diet and health, grasp principles for choosing food ingredients and skill for preparing healthy meals. |
授課內容 |
一、飲食與健康。 二、淺談食安問題。 三、食安案例解析。 四、食材選擇的原則。 希望藉由淺顯易懂的講解,期許我們在一波波的食品風暴中,因著對食物的暸解有能力選購安全的食物,而能儘量避開有害食品對身體的危害,讓自身能因正確的飲食而照顧好自己的健康,並藉此影響家人與朋友,讓他們也能吃得營養與健康。 |