課程大綱 |
內容 |
課程概述 |
透過課程解說協助學生了解文化創意產業與品牌行銷的原則與理念,並訓練同學投入專題討論以加深學習興趣;讓學生深入瞭解文化創意產業與品牌行銷的實務,以達理論與實務合一的目的。本課程希望為學生建立正確的文化創意產業與品牌行銷觀念、並討論各種常見的情境。學生應發揮創意,創新地討論相關議題,並培養簡報能力,領導力與團隊合作精神。請同學注意本課程將要求同學實作練習。 This course delivers how the cultural business, creative industries, and brand marketing are becoming more global and reviews the main drivers in Taiwan. It looks at how the nature of brand marketing is changing in response to the cultural industries, creative ideas, and reviews implications of fast diverse culture for brand marketing workers. This course will discuss the following issues such as government attitudes, cultural creative industries with brand marketing, city marketing, museum marketing, cultural products, OTOP (one town; one product), cultural (tourism) factory marketing, clustering effect, and so on. This course will reinforce the learners to integrate the content, language, and the learning skills. Therefore, each student has to join a group in order to do it by teamwork. |
授課內容 |
1.教師介紹每週的探討主題及個案。 2.學習者小組活動來製作專案分組報告。 3.成果發表與教師評論。 |