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跨域人文: 跟AI一起完歷史:ChatGPT的歷史應用與實作

課程大綱 內容
課程概述 本課程為應用AI 到歷史教學的嘗試,尤其針對非歷史主修學生為主。授課教師以ChatGPT工具為例,先在課堂讓學生註冊並熟稔此工具,進而透過ChatGPT導入每週歷史議題或文本的討論,並藉此理解問題意識的脈絡與思考,進而培養學生歷史思維與辯證、文本的真偽辨別與未來可能創作創新等能力,以提升學生學習歷史學科的興趣。課程後半段則在AI工具與歷史方法學的訓練後,引導學生進行歷史應用與實務創作,並透過分組報告與成果展演,反思與檢討課程的成效與學生的反饋。
This course is an attempt to apply AI to history teaching, especially for non-history major students. The instructor uses ChatGPT as a tool, initially familiarizing students with it in class. Through ChatGPT, weekly historical topics or texts are introduced for discussion, helping students understand the context and thought process of questioning. This approach aims to develop students' historical thinking and ability to discern the authenticity of texts and potential for future creative work, thereby enhancing their interest in history. In the latter part of the course, after training in AI tools and historical methodology, students are guided to undertake historical applications and practical creations. The course concludes with group reports and presentations, reflecting on and reviewing the course's effectiveness and student feedback.
授課內容 本課程結合了AI技術,尤其是ChatGPT,以創新靈活方式教授非歷史專業的學生有關歷史課題的思維與辯證。課程從讓學生熟悉ChatGPT開始,接著透過ChatGPT進行每週的歷史主題討論,並讓學生上傳使用ChatGPT的詠唱連結,在課堂進行分析、討論與檢討。此外,本課程也會透過文本的辯證、不同史料「餵養」AI所形成的歷史觀點差異等方式讓學生更能理解歷史的真偽與多元思考面向。最後課程會引導學生如何運用AI的工具,在歷史方法學的基礎下,進行實作、創作與展示,以期提高學生學用合一的學習成效。